Courses Detail


Class : B.A.-I, II & Ill Duration : 3 years

+2 pass or Equivalent Examination or Reappear in 10+2 as per Punjabi University, Patiala rules. B.A.-I pass or Reappear in B.A.-I which has to be clear in two consecutive chances as per Punjabi University rules. B.A.-II pass or Reappear in B.A.-II which has to be clear in two consecutive chances as per Punjabi University rules. Course Structure for B.A.-I, II & Ill
    Compulsory Subjects
  1. English (compulsory)
  2. Punjabi (Compulsory)
  3. Environmental and road safety awareness (only in B.A. II)
    Elective Subjects
  1. Elective Punjabi/Hindi/English/Urdu/Sanskrit
  2. Mathematics / Psychology / History
  3. Political Science
  4. Economics
  5. Physical Education / Home Science/Music Instrument
  6. Computer Application
  1. Maximum two elective subjects having practical can be opted.


Duration : 3 years (Semester System) Total No. of Seats = 60 Class : B.Com. -I

10+2 with 40% marks in aggregate in commerce group or 45% marks in the aggregate with atleast two out of these subjects : Commerce / Accounts / Mathematics / Economics / Management paper or 50% marks in aggregate or reappear in 10+2 examination (not more than one subject) but shall have to be cleared in the supplementary examination of the same year otherwise admission to course shall automatically be cancelled ( as per Punjabi University norms )
Course Structure for B.Com.-

Semester - I

  1. BC-101 : Punjabi
  2. BC-102 : English (Communication Skills)
  3. BC-103 : Financial Accounting-I
  4. BC-104 : Business Law-I
  5. BC-105 : Principles of Economics-I
  6. BC-106 : Computer Application in Business

Semester - II

  1. BC-201 : Punjabi
  2. BC-202 : English (Communication Skills)
  3. BC-203 : E-Accounting
  4. BC-204 : Business Law-II
  5. BC-205 : Principles of Economics-II
  6. BC-206 : Business Statistics

Class : B.Com.-II

Eligibility pass or passed 50% of total papers of the two semesters of the first year.

Semester - III

  1. BC-301 : Punjabi/Punjabi History and Culture
  2. BC-302 : English (Communication Skills)
  3. BC-303 : Principal of Business Management-I
  4. BC-304 : Corporate Accounting-I
  5. BC-305 : Company Law
  6. BC-306 : Income Tax Law-I
  7. BC-307 : Business Mathematics

Semester - IV

  1. BC-401 : Punjabi/Punjabi History and Culture
  2. BC-402 : English (Communication Skills)
  3. BC-403 : Principal of Business Management-II
  4. BC-404 : Corporate Accounting-II
  5. BC-405 : Auditing Practices
  6. BC-406 : Income Tax Law-I
  7. BC-407 : Business Environment

Class : B.Com.-III

Eligibility :B.Com.-II pass or passed 50% of total papers of four Semesters of the earlier two years. Course structure.

Semester - V

  1. BC-501 : Punjabi Compulsory
  2. BC-502 : Management Accounting-I
  3. BC-503 : Cost Accounting-I
  4. BC-504 : Financial Management-I
  5. BC-505 : Indirect Taxes-I
  6. BC-506 : Fundamentals of Enterpreneuship
  7. BC-507 : Principles of Marketing

Semester - VI

  1. BC-601 : Punjabi Compulsory
  2. BC-602 : Management Accounting-II
  3. BC-603 : Cost Accounting-II
  4. BC-604 : Financial Management-II
  5. BC-605 : Indirect Taxes-II
  6. BC-606 : Governance, Ethics & Social Responsibility of Business
  7. BC-607 : International Marketing


Class : B.C.A.-I, II & III:

Duration : 3 years (Semester System)Total No. of seats : 40

Eligibility for B.C.A.-I :

10+2 pass or Equivalent Examination without reappear.
Course Structure for B.C.A.-I

Semester - I

  1. BCA-111 : General English-I
  2. BCA-112 : Punjabi (Compulsory)
  3. BCA-113 : Fundamentals of Information Technology
  4. BCA-114 : Programming Fundamentals using C
  5. BCA-115 : Software Lab-I(Windows and Office Automation
  6. BCA=116 : Software Lab-II (Based on paper BCA (Based on 114: Programming Fundamentals using C)

Semester - II

  1. BCA-121 : General English-II
  2. BCA-122 : Punjabi (Compulsory)
  3. BCA-123 : Digital Electronics
  4. BCA-124 : Data Structures
  5. BCA-125 : Basic Mathematics
  6. BCA-126 : Software Lab. -III (Based on BCA 124: Data Structure

Class : B.C.A.-II

B.C.A.-I pass or passed 50% of total papers of the two semesters of B.C.A.-I

Semester - III

  1. BC-211 : English Communication Skills-I
  2. BC-212 : Discrete Mathematics
  3. BC-213 : Computer System Organization & Architecture
  4. BC-214 : Object Oriented Programming using C++
  5. BC-215 : Fundamentals of Data Base Management System
  6. BC-216 : Software Lab-IV (Based on paper BCA-214 : Object Oriented Programming using C++)
  7. BC-217 :Software Lab V (MS Accesses Lab based on BCA - 215 : Fundamentals of Data Base Management System)

Semester - IV

  1. BC-221 : English Communication Skills-II
  2. BC-222 : Computer Network
  3. BC-223 : Management Information System
  4. BC-224 : Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods
  5. BC-225 : Relational Data Base Management System with Oracle
  6. BC-226 : Software Lab-V (based on paper BCA-224 : Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Methods)
  7. BC-227 : Software Lab VII (Oracle Lab base on BCA 225 :Data base Management System with oracle)
  8. BC-228 : Environmental and road safety awareness (Qualifying Examination)

Class : B.C.A.-III

B.C.A.-II pass or passed 50% of total papers of four semesters of the previous two years. Course structure.

Semester - V

  1. BCA-311 : English Literary skills-I
  2. BCA-312 : System Analysis and Design
  3. BCA-313 : System Software
  4. BCA-314 : Java Programming
  5. BCA-315 : Web Designing using HTML and DHTML
  6. BCA-316 : Software Lab-VI' (based on paper BCA-314 : Java Programming)
  7. BCA-317 : Software Lab-IX (based on paper BCA-315 : Web Designing using HTML & DHTML)

Semester - VI

  1. BCA-321 : English Literary Skills-II
  2. BCA-322 : E - Commerce
  3. BCA-323 : Operating Systems
  4. BCA-324 : Software Engineering
  5. BCA-325 : Web Designing using AP.-NET
  6. BCA-326 : Software Lab-XI (More on Java based on BCA-314 : Java Programming) Responsibility of Business
  7. BC-327 : Software Lab-XII (based on paper BCA-325 : Web Designing using ASP. NET)


Class : P.G.D.C.A. (Semester System)

Total No. of Seats in each unit = 30 (2 units) Duration : One year (considered as minor course)

Eligibility :Bachelor's Degree in any faculty or Equivalent Examination.
Course Structure for B.Com.-

Semester - I

  1. PGDCA -101: Fundamentals of Information Technology
  2. PGDCA -102 : Operating System
  3. PGDCA -103: Programming Fundamentals through 'C' Language
  4. PGDCA -104: Computer Organization and Architecture
  5. PGDCA -105 : Software Lab-I (Office Automation and Productivity Tools)
  6. PGDCA -106: Software Lab-II (Programming Fundamentals through 'C' Language.)

Semester - II

  1. PGDCA -201 : Data Structures
  2. PGDCA -202 : Object Oriented Programming with C++
  3. PGDCA -203: Data Base Management System with MS Access
  4. PGDCA -204: Fundamentals of Computer Networks, Internet and Scripting Languages.
  5. PGDCA -205: Software Lab-III (Data Base Structures and Programming with C++)
  6. PGDCA -206 : Software Lab-IV (MS ASSESS and Scripting Language)


Duration : 2 years. (Semester System)

Class : M.Sc. (I.T.)-I Total No. of Seats : 30


B.C.A. pass with 50% marks in aggregate or P.G.D.C.A. with 50% marks (with three years graduation) or Bachelor degree in any faculty with 50% marks in aggregate or Bachelor's degree with 50% with one of the following elective Subjects : Computer Science/Information Technology/Computer Application or Equivalent Examination with 50% marks in aggregate.
Course Structure for M.Sc. (I.T.)-I

Semester - I

  1. MS-111 : Introduction to Information Technology
  2. MS-112 : Computer Programming using C
  3. MS-113 : Computer Organization and Architecture
  4. MS-114 : Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science
  5. MS-115 : Operating System
  6. MS=116 : Programming Lab-I

Semester - II

  1. MS-121 : Object Oriented Programming using c++
  2. MS-122 : Data and File Structures
  3. MS-123 : Visual Basic
  4. MS-124 : RDBMS and Oracle
  5. MS-125 : Programming Lab-II
  6. MS-126 : Programming Lab-III

Class : M.Sc. (I.T.)-II

Eligibility : M.Sc. (I.T.)-I pass or passed atleast 50% of the papers of the first year (First and second semester taken together)

Semester - III

  1. MS-211 : Computer Graphics
  2. MS-212 : Java Programming
  3. MS-213 : Software Engineering
  4. MS-214 : Computer Network
  5. MS-215 : Programming Lab-IV

Semester - IV

  1. MS-221 : Web Technology
  2. MS-222 : Theory of Computation
  3. MS-223 : Linux Administration
  4. MS-224 : Artificial Intelligence
  5. MS-225 : Programming Lab-VI (Linux Administration)


Duration : 1 year (Semester System) Eligibility : P.G.D.C.A. pass or Equivalent Examination Important Note : Candidates will have to clear the deficient papers of M.Sc. (I.T.)-I as per Punjabi University, Patiala norms

Semester - III

  1. MS-211 : Computer Graphics
  2. MS-212 : Java Programming
  3. MS-213 : Software Engineering
  4. MS-214 : Computer Network
  5. MS-215 : Programming Lab-IV
  6. MS-216 : Programming Lab-V

Semester - IV

  1. MS-221 : Web Technology
  2. MS-222 : Theory of Computation
  3. MS-223 : Linux Administration
  4. MS-224 : Artificial Intelligence
  5. MS-225 : Programming Lab-VI (Linux Administration)

Deficient Papers :

MS-114 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

Note :

  1. Syllabus/Subject can be changed as per University instruction at any time.
  2. The Medium of examination shall be English.

Master of Arts (Punjabi) or M.A. Punjabi :

Duration : 2 years. (Semester System) (Total No. of Seats 30)

Class : M. A. (Punjabi)-I

Eligibility : Bachelor degree in any faculty with 50% marks in aggregate.

Semester - I

  1. pMjwbI swihq dw ieiqhws
  2. AwDuink pMjwbI kwiv (ApSn pihlI)
  3. pMjwbI nwtk
  4. AwDuink pMjwbI glp (ApSn dUjI)
  5. Swihq Awlocnw dy isDWq

Semester - II

  1. pMjwbI swihq dw ieiqhws
  2. AwDuink pMjwbI kwiv (ApSn pihlI)
  3. pMjwbI nwtk
  4. AwDuink pMjwbI glp (ApSn dUjI)
  5. Swihq Awlocnw dy isDWq

Class : M. A. (Punjabi)-II

Eligibility : M.A.-I pass or passed 50% total papers of two semesters of the first year or equivalent examination.

Semester - III

  1. BwSw ivigAwn Aqy pMjwbI BwSw
  2. Gurmiq kwiv (AwpSn pihlI)
  3. pMjwbI vwrqk
  4. sUPI Aqy bIr kwiv
  5. siBAwcwr Aqy pMjwbI siBAwcwr

Semester - IV

  1. BwSw ivigAwn Aqy pMjwbI BwSw
  2. Gurmiq kwiv (AwpSn pihlI)
  3. AwDuink pMjwbI vwrqk
  4. ik`sw kwiv
  5. lokDwrw Aqy pMjwbI lokDwrw


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Master of Arts (Hindi) or M.A. Hindi : (Total No. of Seats 30)

Duration : 2 years. (Semester System)

Class : M. A. (Hindi)--I

Eligibility : Bachelor degree in any faculty with 50% marks in aggregate.

Semester - I

  1. e/;dkyhu fgUnh dkO;-1
  2. gUnh Hkk"kk % mn~Hko rFkk fodkl
  3. fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl ¼1850 rd½
  4. oSdfYid v/;;u & fodYi 1 gtkjh çlkn f}osnh % fo'ks"k v/;;u

Semester - II

  1. e/;dkyhu fgUnh dkO;-2
  2. Hkk"kk foKku
  3. fgUnh lkfgR; dk bfrgkl ¼vk/kqfud dky½
  4. oSdfYid v/;;u & fodYi 1 fgUnh dFkk

Class : M. A. (Hindi)--II

Eligibility : M.A. I pass or passed 50% total papers of two semesters of the first year or equivalent examination.

Semester - III

  1. e/;dkyhu fgUnh dkO;-1
  2. Hkkjrh; dkO; 'kkL=
  3. fgUnh ukVd vkSj fucU/k
  4. oSdfYid v/;;u&dchjnkl % fo'ks"k v/;;u

Semester - IV

  1. e/;dkyhu fgUnh dkO;-2
  2. ik'pkR; dkO; 'kkL=
  3. i;kstuewyd fgUnh
  4. oSdfYid v/;;u rqylhnkl % fo'ks"k v/;;u


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Master of Arts (Punjabi) or M.A. English:

Duration : 2 years. (Semester System)

Eligibility : Bachelor degree in any faculty with 50%marks in aggregate. Course Structure for M.A.-1 (English) (Total No. of Seats 30)

M.A. English Part-I

Semester - I

  1. Chaucer to Renaissance
  2. Jacobean to Restoration Age
  3. Neo Classicism and the Rise of the Novel
  4. Shakespeare (Option II)

Semester - II

  1. The Romantic Age
  2. Victorian Poetry and Prose
  3. 19th Century British and European Fiction
  4. Indian Writing in English (Option I)

M.A. English Part-I

Eligibility : M.A.-I pass or passed 50% of total papers of the two semesters of the first year or Equivalent Examination.

Semester - III

  1. Literacy Criticism
  2. 20th Century Literature (Upto 1940)
  3. European Literature
  4. American Literature (Option-I)

Semester - IV

  1. Literacy Theory
  2. World Literacy in English
  3. Twentieth Century Drama
  4. Post Colonial Writing (Option-I)

Note :

  1. M. A. (English)/M. A. (Punjabi)/M.Sc. (I. T.) (regular) course will have to completed in a maximum four years from the date of admission in first semester.
  2. There will be no condition of passing papers for promotion from odd semesters to even semesters in a Academic session for all semester system.

Master of Commerce (M.Com.) *On Approval

Duration : 2 years. (Semester System) (Total No. of Seats 30)

Eligibility : Bachelor degree in Commerce with 50% marks in aggregate. Course Structure for M.Com.-1


Semester - I

  1. MC-101 : Business Management
  2. MC-102 : Corporate Financial Accounting
  3. MC-103 : Financial Management
  4. MC-104 : Business Economics
  5. MC-105 : Computer Application in Business

Semester - II

  1. MC-201 : Accounting for Managerial Decisions
  2. MC-202 : Financial Institutions & Markets
  3. MC-203 : Business Environment
  4. MC-204 : Research Methodology & Statistical Techniques
  5. MC-205 : Seminar (Based upon Current issues relating to Commerce)